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Anthroserv Inc. is an engineering, design and consultancy services company purely started and owned by Filipino engineers. The organization is composed of professionals from different fields of science and engineering, and provides expert quality services in planning, design, construction, and operation of wastewater treatment facilities. The company considers itself flexible in handling various projects catering both small and large enterprises ensuring human-centered designs. As a purely Filipino organization, Anthroserv Inc. aims to be a major competitor in the field of wastewater engineering services and consultancy challenging foreign and other local companies operating in the Philippines.


Anthroserv is committed to achieving its vision of a Philippines built for the future by transforming communities and industries towards sustainability by providing engineering solutions. In pursuing our business objectives, we shall:ï‚·


  • provide expert quality services in planning, design, construction, and operation of wastewater treatment facilities;

  • provide quality, reliable and cost-effective wastewater solutions to meet the needs and expectations of relevant stakeholders, including statutory and regulatory bodies;

  • serve customer requirements promptly and accurately;

  • raise awareness about sanitation and wastewater management, and promote dialogue among relevant stakeholders;

  • promote a culture of sustainable innovation;

  • provide necessary resources and ensure availability of necessary information;

  • maintain a competent workforce by providing training and support;

  • implement a quality management system and ensure its suitability and effectiveness through

  • continual improvement.

[Original Signed]

Engr. Joshua Bon A. Roco, AAE
Chief Executive Officer


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